Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Biology keywords

HALO! sbenernya ini saya dapet ini di email-in sama azahra nuralika putri anak 7c yang dia caksel tp gangambil. so bsa ditebak kalau dia pintar muaahahaha selamat belajar-_- srsly gue jg gangerti da
1. Population Dynamics: The change of population in an area over a period of time. (Perubahan – naik/turunnya – populasi di suatu area dalamjangkawaktutertentu)
2. Natural Resources: Resources from nature (Sumberdayaalam)
3. Insufficient: Not enough (Tidakcukup)
4. Natural disaster: A disaster on nature (Bencanaalam)
5. Declining: Decrease (Menurun)
6. Urbanization: The movement of inhabitants from the village to the city (Pindahnyapendudukpedesaankeperkotaan)
7. Transmigration: The movement of inhabitants from a crowded area/densely populated to a low-populated area (Pindahnyapendudukdarikota/tempat yang padatpendudukketempat yang penduduknyalebihsedikit)
8. Resident: Inhabitant (Penduduk)
9. Requirement: Needs (Kebutuhan)
10. Increase: Meningkat
11. Decrease: Menurun
12. Badness: Keburukan
13. Quickens age to marry: Married at a young age (Nikahmuda)
14. Family Plans: A program for a family for only having two children. The function is for lowering the increase of human population. (Program KB,, fungsinyauntukmemperkeciljumlahkenaikanpenduduk)
15. Town extension: Memperluaskota.
16. Unemployment: People with no job (Pengangguran)
17. Improvement: An upgrade (Perbaikan)
18. Mortality: Death rate/number of deaths for every 1000 people per year (Jumlah orang yang meninggalduniasetiap 1000 orang per tahunnya)
19. Natality: Birth rate/number of birth for every 1000 people per year (Jumlahkelahiransetiap 1000 orang per tahunnya)
20. Emigration: The movement of inhabitants to another country (Pindahnyapendudukkenegara lain)
21. Immigration: The movement of inhabitants from another country into our country to settle permanently (Pindahnyapendudukdariluarnegerikedalamnegeri/Indonesia)
22. Delays nuptials early: Refusing/delaying early marriage (Menolak/menundapernikahan)
23. Build factory:
24. Famine: Hungry because of low/no food availability (Kelaparankarenahanyasedikit/ketidaktersediaanmakanan)
25. Prosperity: McD PROSPERITY BURGER!! Gkdng ._. Welfare (Kemakmuran/kesejahteraan)
26. Poverty: Poorness (Kemiskinan)
27. Welfare: Prosperity (Kesejahteraan)
28. Accelerating births: Speed up birth (Mempercepatkelahiran)
29. Overpopulation: Too much people in an area (Kependudukanterlalupadat)
30. Established:

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